Saturday, January 29, 2011

Day 7 Wednesday

Mrs. P. had told us how she has begun running again after a short break, and this is of interest to us, Beloved and I used to run fairly regular when we were in Estonia, and not quite so regularly back in the USA. So, we told Mrs. P. that we were interested in running with her one morning, and this would be the morning.
We depart the house about 8:00AM, next time we’ll try to get away by 7:30, there will be a little less traffic to deal with.  It is about 15 minutes walk to “The Stadium,” which is a bit of an overstatement. It is soccer field with a very crude running track around it. The paving of the running track is no better than the paving of any of the rest of the sidewalks in this city, including potholes and the occasional grapefruit-sized stone kicking around. The walls are crude and what little paint is there is peeling of fading away. There are two banks of seating, plastic seats that are in an equal state of degradation. What little grass is present is severely overworked.

When we arrive we see Mrs. P. approaching on the track, she calls out, “I’ve only two more laps to go...” So Beloved takes off after her and catches up shortly enough. I will do a few more stretches before jumping in, but shortly enough we’ve all had a nice run, sufficient to raise the heart rate and warm up the muscles pretty good. When warmer weather arrives I can see this becoming a regular event.

The rest of the day is rather mundane, except to say that the evening meal was pizza and cinnamon rolls. There is a small bread bakery about four blocks from our house, England say that it is the best he’s found in the city. We have purchased bread there a couple of times, but you can also purchase bread dough at the same place, a pretty good lump for 75 cents. Two-thirds of the lump goes into pizza crust, (Beloved made up a great sauce!) Green peppers, onions, some black olives and ham. The other third goes to make four small cinnamon rolls. It was awesome!

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